joi, 7 aprilie 2011


It’s been almost eleven months since I’ve turned 18 and it feels like it’s always been like this....I haven’t wrote anything in English for a couple of months except my graduation paper, not to speak of my French, which has actually been put on the back burner for too c’est dommage.

I still cannot make out who I really am and what I want from this life, sadly. I’m just a child, I find it difficult to change and adjust to reality.... I make promises I am not able to keep, which didn’t use to happen before; I have had some good shining days, but now I’m again in the doldrums...Today, I received a very nice Easter present and, after 2 or 3 weeks, I found some time for a film : “Julie& Julia”.

I know my dreams will come true some day... but the truth is I’m too stubborn to ask for help when I need it...

P.S. a song I've been listening to for a couple of years:)